Fonts and Display

 Fonts and Display

The  Display Property

The CSS display property is used to determine whether an element is treated as a block/inline element and the layout used for the children (flex box/grid/etc.).

 Display: inline

 Take only the space required by the element. No line breaks before and after. Setting width and height (margin or padding) is not allowed.

Display:  block

Takes full space available in width and leaves a newline before and after the element.

Display : inline-block

Similar to inline but setting height, width, margin and padding is allowed. Elements can sit next to each others.

Display : None Vs Visibility : hidden

With display: None, the elements is removed from the document flow. Its space is not blocked.

With Visibility: hidden, the element is hidden but its space is reserved.

Text-align Property

Used to set horizontal alignment (left/right/center) of a text

.div {

Text-align : center ;


Text-decoration Property

Used to decorate the text.

Can be overline, underline, line through, none.

 Text Transform Property

Used to specify Uppercase and lowercase letters in a text.

p.uppercase {

text-transform : uppercase;


Line-height property

Used to specify the space between lines.

.small {

Line-height: 0.7 ;


Fonts and Display


Font plays a very important role in the look and feel of a website.

Font family

Font family specifies the font of a text.

Can hold multiple values as a “fallback” system.

p {

font-family : “times new roman”, monospace ;


Always do this to ensure the correct font of your choice is rendered.

Web Safe Fonts

These fonts are universally installed across browsers. Some browsers supports a limited number of font family only.

How to add Google Fonts

In order to use custom google fonts, go to google fots then select a style and finally paste it to the Style.css of your page.

Other Font Properties

Some of the other font properties are listed below:

Font-size;- Sets the size of the font.

Font-style:- Sets the Fot style.

Font-variant:- Sets whether text is displayed in small caps.

Font-weight:- sets the weight of the font i.e. how dark or light font is visible to client or user.



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